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Distribution Channels

Distribution channels facilitate the transmission of messages using different communication ways (Widgets, API aso.) as well as to a fixed number of mobile users. It does not matter which messenger the mobile user uses. Distribution channels are distribution lists and message groups.

Use a distribution list to send a web message to multiple people from different divisions of the company, for example, John Doe from the project team, Jane Doe from the sales team, and James Smith from the support team.

Use a message group to send a web message to multiple people from the same business unit, e.g. Jennifer Miller, Lisa Brown, and Paul Wilson from the Sales team responsible for product X.

Distribution List

A message distribution list consists of at least two mobile users. The mobile users must be created beforehand.

Create Distribution List

You can create a distribution list using the following web form:

Navigation bar: WidgetsDistribution ListsCreate List

The following data is required to create the distribution list:

Parameter Example value Description
Name TLGroup-01 Unique Name
Description Distribution list Telegram 01 Short description of the purpose
Should be active? Yes Status of the distribution list
Member(s) User1, User2, … Recipient

Modify Distribution List

You can modify a distribution list using the following web form: Navigation bar: WidgetsDistribution ListsActions [Settings]

Delete Distribution List

You can delete a distribution list using the following web form:

Navigation bar: WidgetsDistribution ListsActions [Delete]

Message Group

A message group consists of at least two mobile users. The mobile users must be created beforehand.

Create Message Group

You can create a message group using the following web form:

Navigation bar: WidgetsMessage GroupsCreate Group

The following data is required to create the message group:

Parameter Example value Description
Name TLGroup-01 Unique Name
Description Messagegroup Telegram 01 Short description of the purpose
Should be active? Yes Status of the message group
Member(s) User1, User2, … Group members

Modify Message Group

You can modify a message group list using the following web form:

Navigation bar: WidgetsMessage GroupsActions [Settings]

Delete Message Group

You can delete a message group using the following web form:

Navigation bar: WidgetsMessage Groups ListsActions [Delete]