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Platform System

All language property files (strings_*.properties) are located in the directory <BBP Installation>/WEB-INF/classes/localization/frontend. Before loading the file, the system uses the browser’s HTTP request to determine the user’s language preference. Based on this default setting, the system loads the appropriate language properties file (Java ResourceBundle logic is applied to locate the property file). This ensures that the properties are used for a specific language.

String-Ressource Files

The naming convention for the base resource file is always in English: (Default) and (English). The localized versions of the StringResource files follow the naming convention strings_<LANGUAGE>.properties, where <LANGUAGE> stands for the standard abbreviation of the language written in lower case letters (e.g. en for English, de for German and fr for French).

String resource property files must be encoded in ASCII for all languages, i.e. both double-byte languages and languages of Latin origin. Ensure that you save the property file in ASCII format.

If you want to add a new string resource file to the platform, you have to specify the language code (default abbreviation of the language) in the in directory C:\ProgramData\bbp\. For example, for French:


If you want to add multiple languages, the language codes must be given in a comma separated list, e.g. System.AdditionalLanguages=fr,es,jp. After you have made the change, you must restart the application server.

Naming of String-Resource

The string names in the resource files must have a certain format.

Create each string in the resource file in the following format to avoid naming conflicts:


For example, on the login page, the string for a greeting would look like this in the English string resource file:


General and frequently occurring strings begin with the key Common.UIElement.<Name>, where <Name> stands for the unique designation of the language label.

Overview of Supported Languages

The following languages are supported by the platform on Windows and UNIX (including Linux) and are available for selection:

  • English (en)
  • German (de)

The following UTF-8 supported languages can be added additionally:

  • French (fr)
  • Italian (it)
  • Dutch (nl)
  • Japanese (jp)
  • Spanish (es)
  • Russian (ru)
  • Turkish (tr)

For other languages please contact the technical support.