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Mobile User Management

Since not all business logics should be available to all mobile users without protection, the Business Bot Platform must recognize which mobile user is allowed to communicate with a business logic. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish between authenticated and anonymous users.

Only authenticated and authorized users who have been previously created on the Business Bot Platform can access a protected business logic. Anonymous users can only access unprotected business logics.

Options Authenticated User Anonymous User
Protected Business Logic (A) Access allowed (C) No access
Unprotected Business Logic (B) Access allowed (D) Access allowed

The users need to be added to the Business Bot Platform to enable communication between mobile users and protected business logics. The registration is done by the administrator either by manually creating a user account or via LDAP.

The manual registration of mobile users through the user form is done in two steps:

  1. Create the mobile user account
  2. Linking the mobile device with the mobile user account

Create Mobile User Account

After logging on to the Business Bot Platform, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Mobile User ManagementCreate User. Now enter the following form data:

    Field Example value
    Username TestUser01
    Firstname Test
    Lastname User
  2. The newly created user account is now listed. You have to modify the account by clicking on the icon Settings and create a new mobile device for this account. To do this, click on the button Create Mobile Device and enter the following form data:

    Required field Description Example value
    Is primary device: Mobiler Benutzer besitzt nur ein Gerät Yes
    Mobile phone number #1: SIM card number
    Mobile phone number #2: Second SIM card number Keep field empty
  3. In the next step an app is created for the mobile device. To do this, click on the button Create Mobile App and enter the following form data:

    Required field Example value
    Is primary app Yes
    Instant Messenger App Telegram
  4. Finally, the settings for the newly created messaging app have to be adapted. The following parameters are important for the message delivery.

    Required field Example value Description
    Telegram.UserInfo.UserId 123456789 Determinable through user registration

The user account for the mobile user is now configured, but can not yet be used without linking to the mobile device.

Linking the Mobile Device with the Mobile User Account

Linking the user account with the mobile device is necessary to ensure the message delivery and security. First of all, the mobile user must join the bot channel that was set up before. To do this, open the browser and enter the following URL:


<BotName> represents the bot name, which was created using the Telegram BotFather.


After confirming that the Telegram app should be opened, click on /start to start the channel communication with the bot. To perform the user registration against the Business Bot Platform using the bot, send the following command to the bot:

Syntax: /register user <username> <identcode>
Example: /register user TestUser 1234

<username> represents the username of the mobile user account created on the Business Bot Platform

<identcode> is the identification code (comparable to a PIN) to assign registration requests to the desired mobile device

The registration request is then accepted and acknowledged by the Business Bot Platform. Now, you have to approve or reject the registration. Therefore open the web interface and navigate to Mobile User ManagementRegistrations. The table should contains the registration request, which can now be Approve or Reject. Before verifying the request, make sure that the IdentCode matches the characters you used during the registration on the mobile device. This safety mechanism is used to recognize and reject third-party user requests.

If you confirm the user registration request, you will be prompted to select the mobile device and mobile app. If no mobile device or mobile app appears in the list, this is due to the fact that the mobile user account has not been created. The mobile user account must already exist in order to perform the registration.