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Entity collections


Entity collection is a list that contains various attributes. For example, you can have an entity list Objects and another one for Activities. The list contains the entity attributes. The attributes follow a fixed syntax and always start with the prefix @[ and end with the suffix ]. Between prefix and suffix, you have to define the name of the attribute. The name is an alphanumeric character and may include a period separator, such as Math.Task.

Manage entity lists

Create an entity list

You can create an entity list using the following web form:

Navigation bar: Dialogue DesignerDialogue Container Management → in the action field of the dialogue container Entity CollectionsCreate entity collection

The following data is required to create the entity list:

Parameter Example value Description
Name Calculator-Entities Unique name
Description Administration of Calculator entities Brief description of purpose

Create attribute in an entity list

You can create an attribute in an entity list using the following web form:

Navigation bar: Dialogue DesignerDialogue Container Management → in the action field of the dialogue container Entity CollectionsActions [Attribute]Create entity attribute

The following data is required to create an attribute in a entity list:

Parameter Example value Description
Name Math.Task Unique name
Description The math task Brief description of purpose

Modify an entity list

You can modify an entity list using the following web form:

Navigation bar: Dialogue DesignerDialogue Container Management → in the action field of the dialogue container Entity CollectionsActions [Settings]

Delete an entity list

You can delete an entity list using the following web form:

Navigation bar: Dialogue DesignerDialogue Container Management → in the action field of the dialogue container Entity CollectionsActions [Delete]

The user will be prompted to confirm the delete action.


An entity list can be deleted, even if it is used in dialogues of the dialogue management.